This service has become one of our best seller’s. We are on the forefront of the Healthcare Industry when it comes to client awareness and implementation of ICRA’s.


The purpose of ICRA documentation is to identify, define and understand the relationship between at-risk patients and a construction project at all times during the course of the project. At-risk patients, are those susceptible to nosocomial (secondary infection that occurs in a Heatlhcare facility) infections (i.e. Aspergillosis) that can result from exposure to dust and other construction related contamination of the health care environment. It is imperative that an ICRA be performed when a Healthcare facility is undergoing renovations or new construction (addition). There is basic and detailed ICRA documentation and procedures that are to be maintained throughout the life of the project. An ICRA Consultant should be used to assist the Healthcare Facility’s ICRA Committee in implementing these safe guards to avoid potential liability.

Hathaway Resources can provide the client with the complete Design, Programming and Management of this AHCA and CMS requirement

Click on the following link to determine what risk group your facility falls into if you are considering; installing any new systems, additions, renovations, etc…